

Alumni Q+A: Justine Kwiatkowski Vélez MLA 06, MUP 06

Justine Kwiatkowski Vélez MLA ’06, MUP ’06 came to the field of landscape architecture because of her desire to give back to the world, whether through the restoration of environmentally-degraded sites, or the beautification of space.

Jan 8, 2015


Faculty top ASLA “Best Books of 2014” list

The American Society of Landscape Architects recently published their annual "Best Books" list—with this year's top 10 featuring two significant works by Harvard University Graduate School of Design professors.

Dec 17, 2014


Landscape Ascendant: Charles Birnbaum’s year in review

2014 was a watershed year for landscape architecture, in the view of Charles Birnbaum (LF ’98): “This year there was a cultural shift that saw landscape architecture and its practitioners achieve an unprecedented level of visibility and influence.” He takes stock of the achievements and events in the Huffington Post.

Dec 10, 2014


Advocating for Santiago, GSD students and alum reach the 100 Resilient Cities list

The Rockefeller Foundation initiative 100 Resilient Cities announced yesterday that Santiago, Chile, has just made the cut. Out of 330 applications, Santiago—nominated and submitted by a team of Harvard University Graduate School of Design students and alumni—was selected as a site to "become more resilient to the physical, social and economic challenges that are a growing part of the 21st century."

Dec 3, 2014


Conference finds disruptive innovation critical to real estate industry

On October 16, 2014, at the second annual Harvard Real Estate Conference “Disruptive Innovation in Real Estate,” seven global real estate industry leaders demonstrated that disruptive innovation in real estate development, building typologies, and finance has been critical to the growth of the real estate industry.

Nov 25, 2014