Teaching Fellow (Union Position)
A Teaching Fellow (TF) is an eligible GSD doctoral student who is assigned to assist faculty in teaching select required courses.
Teaching Fellow Responsibilities
Teaching Fellows may be responsible for the following:
- Attending scheduled course meetings
- Assisting with course material preparation
- Running review sessions
- Preparing readings and direct discussion sessions
- Providing tutorials
- Offering design critiques
- Holding office hours
- Grading papers/assignments
- Recommending course grades for the students in their section(s)
- Presenting one lecture
Teaching Fellows may not:
- Assume responsibility for the structure and content of a course
- Offer more than one lecture in the absence of the faculty instructor of record
- Assign final grades
Doctoral Teaching Associates
In rare cases, faculty teaching courses that are not eligible for a TF may request to hire an eligible GSD doctoral student as a Doctoral Teaching Associate (Union Position) to support their course. Doctoral Teaching Associates (DTAs) have responsibilities and restrictions equivalent to that of TFs, see above.
Teaching Fellow & Doctoral Teaching Associate Compensation
Teaching Fellows are paid a salary (set by the Harvard Office of Undergraduate Education) on the monthly payroll. TF funding is not normally available for students other than those who have funded Teaching Fellowships through their financial aid package. TF allocation is not exclusively tied to the number of students in the course or discussion sections, but rather to the course content and structure. TFs are not paid from the course budget.
Doctoral Teaching Associates are paid a salary on the monthly payroll. DTA allocation is not exclusively tied to the number of students in the course or discussion sections, but rather to the course content and structure. DTAs are not paid from the course budget. DTAs must comply with their visa terms, if any, including the stipulation that the sum of all their employment cannot exceed 20 hours per week.
Hiring for Students
Students eligible for funded fellowships are polled regarding their preferences before teaching assignments are given. Effort is given to accommodate requests while balancing the needs of faculty, students, and the school. Students may be asked to TF a course that is outside their particular subject area of expertise.
Students should not consider arrangements for a funded Teaching Fellow confirmed until notified in writing by the ASP Administrator, Margaret Moore de Chicojay.
If you are not currently funded and are asked to be a TF or DTA for a course, reach out to Margaret Moore de Chicojay, who will follow up with the faculty member.
TF assignments for fall and spring will be communicated to students over the summer. These assignments are subject to change.
Hiring for Faculty
Go to Hiring Students: Information for Faculty page.