

Lukas Pauer presents at Flexible City

Lukas Pauer (MAUD '14) has been invited to speak on his work “Reclaiming Post-NAFTA Open Space: On the Electrical Transmission Corridors of Mexico City” at the Early Career Workshop of the Flexible City Symposium.

Oct 16, 2013


HUPO invites the city into its Living Room

The Harvard Urban Planning Organization once again took part in Parking Day, an annual international event in which designers, activists, and ordinary citizens turn parking spaces into miniature parks. This year’s theme was “The Public Living Room.”

Sep 27, 2013


GSD at Buenos Aires Biennale

GSD denizens represent a strong presence at the upcoming Buenos Aires Biennale: BienalBA. Inaki Abalos, Felipe Correa, Rahul Mehrotra and Jorge Silvetti are featured speakers, and Mehrotra has won the  Bienal de Arquitectura Internacional award..

Sep 21, 2013


GSD brains + Brooklyn Brawn = innovative lab

150 GSD students, alumni and friends gathered on a Brooklyn rooftop as the sun set over Manhattan in late July. GSD alumni hosted the cocktail reception at the New Lab, a Beta space facility in the Brooklyn Navy Yard that brings together design, prototyping and new manufacturing that incubates and encourages innovative work in a range of disciplines.

Sep 18, 2013


UPD students tour Boston

The UPD Department hosted its annual bus tour of Boston on September 7, led by Alex Krieger and Kathy Spiegelman, to introduce first year UPD students to the history of planning and development in the city. 

Sep 16, 2013