

Erik LHeureux wins 2015 Wheelwright Prize

Harvard University Graduate School of Design announces Erik L’Heureux, an American architect based in Singapore, as the winner of the GSD’s 2015 Wheelwright Prize, a $100,000 traveling fellowship aimed at fostering investigative approaches to contemporary design.

Apr 28, 2015


Mehrotra, Panzano bring interdisciplinary look at worlds largest religious festival to SAI Symposium

Last week’s Harvard South Asia Institute (SAI) 2015 Annual Symposium offered an interdisciplinary look at the the world’s largest religious festival, the Kumbh Mela—a Hindu mass pilgrimage—through projects launched by Rahul Mehrotra, professor of Urban Planning and Design and chair of the Department of Urban Planning and Design, and Megan Panzano (MArch ’10), design critic in Architecture. 

Apr 23, 2015


Gia Wolff and the Floating City

Caipirinhas and samba set the mood at the GSD for a recent talk by Gia Wolff (MArch '08) about her research on Floating City: The Community-Based Architecture of Parade Floats. The project was supported by the first Wheelwright Prize, which Wolff won in 2013. Read Sarah Bolivar's recap in the LOEBlog. Photo by Daryan Dornelles

Apr 20, 2015


A Watershed Approach: Kim Lutz at the GSD

Kim Lutz of the Nature Conservancy was at the GSD on April 6th for a lunchtime lecture entitled “Taking it to Scale: a Watershed Approach to Conservation Design.” It was part of a series addressing large landscape conservation issues, sponsored by the Loeb Fellowship and curated by Scott Campbell. Margaret Scott (MUP candidate) reports in the LOEBlog.

Apr 17, 2015


Design hybrids that last

As part of Harvard's annual Harvard Lectures That Last, Allen Sayegh—associate professor in Practice of Architectural Technology at Harvard University Graduate School of Design and the director of REAL, the Responsive Environment Lab, at Harvard GSD—recently spoke on "Design Hybrids."

Apr 14, 2015


GSD at Society of Architectural Historians conference

Charles Waldheim, John E. Irving Professor of Landscape Architecture and Chair of the Department of Landscape Architecture at the Harvard University Graduate School of Design, will deliver the keynote address at this year's Society of Architectural Historians conference.

Apr 14, 2015

The Incidents

Freedom of Use

Anne Lacaton and Jean-Philippe Vassal are known for an architecture that privileges inhabitants’ freedom and…

August 2015


Toshiko Mori leads campaign to save Tokyo’s Hotel Okura

The Hotel Okura, a landmark modernist hotel in Tokyo designed by Yoshiro Taniguchi and Hideo Kosaka, is slated for demolition in advance of the 2020 Olympic Games. But not if Tomas Maier, creative director of Bottega Veneta (which recently announced a general effort to preserve Japan’s modernist architecture) and Robert P. Hubbard Professor in the Practice of Architecture Toshiko Mori have anything to do with it.

Apr 4, 2015