Cross Rhythm (New House in New Orleans)

We can find many beautiful residential typologies in New Orleans, like the creole townhouse, shotgun house, and double-gallery house, to name a few. As each is the product of New Orleans’s unique mix of cultures, evolved over several generations, the objective of this studio will be to study the potential of these typologies in their current context and to redesign them.

To explore how a new house might be made at the intersection of two cultures, we will borrow a technique from music: the cross rhythm. “Cross rhythm” is a term used to describe a composition made of different rhythms. When played together, two different and contrasting rhythms may cross by sharing a common starting place, accents, and meter. In doing so, the cross rhythm offers a framework for inclusion and a means to reconsider Robert Ventruri’s difficult whole.

This studio tries to deal with the building typology in positive way. How can we design a new house in New Orleans as a building of cross rhythm?

Students will begin by investigating the townhouse in New Orleans. They will then start an individual project on a chosen site in New Orleans.


This course has an irregular meeting schedule.

Go Hasegawa will be in residence on the following Thursdays and Fridays: August 29 and 30; September 19, 20; October 17, 18, 24, 25; November 14, 15, 21, 22; and for final reviews. 

The instructor will also be available via Skype to account for “off week” missed time. 

Click here for trip/travel information related to this studio.