Practices of Landscape Architecture
This course presents the application of landscape ideas as a process of engagement and building amidst financial, legal, cultural, political, and professional contexts. The course aims to introduce conventions and circumstances that may be encountered throughout one’s career while stimulating new and creative, alternative dimensions of practice in a global context of universal agency.
Course content includes lectures, workshops and discussions led by the instructor and guests from around the globe, and incorporates student research, readings and discussion. Though concepts appear iteratively throughout the term, early topics focus on design leadership and community agency, professional identity, firm marketing and business development. Visiting lectures by established professionals from around the globe speak about their practices and a variety of topics including their career trajectories, firm development and working contexts, as well as their current endeavors. Topics then move to conventions and circumstances influencing legal, ethical, financial and operational aspects of practice, particularly those that can contribute to and detract from the success of firms and their projects. During the third part of the course, academic trajectory, future impacts on practice and historic documentation practices are featured, in addition to the sharing of ongoing research by students. During the course, lecturers and work by Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) and LBGTQI people will be present. Issues of diversity within the profession and in our work endeavors will be considered in depth during an evening event featuring guest panelists from non-profit entities.
Recognizing that architecture, planning and landscape architecture share many aspects of practice, this course incorporates nuances and scope that are typically the focus of current landscape architectural practice itself, such as soils as a living medium; grading and planting; landscape architectural documentation and construction; landscape advocacy and stewardship; community contexts and agencies; and liabilities specifically associated with the practice of landscape architecture.
Class Sessions The course meets twice a week for 1.25 hours (2.5 hours total). Guest lecturers will participate in Gund and remotely (zoom). Two sessions will be held at alternate class times; excused absences or other arrangements can be arranged with the instructor in the event of a personal schedule conflict.